Each survey has its own settings, found within the settings tab in the left-hand pane of the Survey Editor. You can control settings such as text labels on buttons, thank you messaging, progress indicator visibility and whether or not to limit surveys to one response per customer.
Quick Links
- General settings
- Order Status Page widget settings
- Standalone page & Embedded settings
- Tagging
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The survey settings panel
General settings
Only capture one response per customer - When checked, this setting will limit the survey to one response per customer. Customers that have previously submitted a response to your survey will no longer be presented with the survey question at their next checkout on your store.
Enabling this feature will also prevent the Survey reminder from appearing in your shipping confirmation notification email when that customer has already submitted your survey.
Order Status Page widget settings
Title and Introduction Text
(Optional Fields) - If you'd like to introduce your survey with a title and some introductory text, rather than just leading with your survey question, then use these fields.
The title and introduction text will stay at the top of the survey until all questions have been answered.
The survey with both Title and Introduction text fields populated
Show progress indicator e.g. 1/3
If you are creating a multi-question survey, you may want to display a small indicator at the top right hand side of the survey to let respondents know how many questions will be asked.
Next Button text - This text will appear on the progress button if your survey has more than one question. If a question is set to Required then this button will be disabled and prevent progress through the survey until an answer has been selected for the required question.
Submit Button text - This is the text that appears on the button underneath the answer options. The button is used to submit the survey response.
Thank you message - Once the survey response has been submitted, the survey is hidden and this line of text is presented to the customer, thanking them for taking the time to submit your survey. This field accepts HTML if you need to add images, links or text formatting elements to the text.
Standalone page & Embedded settings
(Optional Fields) - The main title of the survey that will appear before your survey questions. Can be left blank if no title is required.
Page Title - (Standalone page only)
(Optional Fields) - This Page Title field will allow you to use a unique page title that appears as part of the Browser tab name. Shopify automatically concatenates this with your store name e.g. "Your custom survey page title {{ - Your Store Name }}"
This field can be left blank if no custom page title is required.
Introduction text
(Optional Fields) - This introduction will appear underneath the main survey title, but above the first survey question. This field accepts HTML if you need to add images, links or text formatting elements to the text. Can be left blank if no introduction is required.
Submit Button text - This is the text that appears on the button underneath the answer options. The button is used to submit the survey response.
Thank you text - Once the survey response has been submitted, the survey is hidden and this line of text is presented to the customer, thanking them for taking the time to submit your survey.
Enable name and email fields
If no identifiable url parameters are present within the Standalone survey URL but you'd like to know who is filling out your survey, then the standalone survey can ask for the name and email address of the respondent - (see our article on how to pre-populate the standalone survey link with identifiable URL parameters)
With this option enabled, you can request that the respondent submit their personal details along with their survey responses. The form fields that will appear are:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
This will allow you to tie responses against an email address which you may then be able to use for marketing purposes at a later date.
If you wish to capture anonymous responses, then disable this option.
Require name fields to be completed - With this option enabled, the respondent must submit their personal details along with their survey responses. The survey submit button will be disabled until these fields have been filled in.
Location of personal details fields
By default, when the Enable name and email fields option is enabled, the personal details form fields will be displayed below the survey questions. Changing the Display fields dropdown to Above questions will place the personal details fields above the first survey question.
Survey level tags are fixed tags that get applied either an order or a customer or both, when the survey has been fully completed. If a survey is only partially completed, survey level tags will not be applied.
You can apply as many survey level tags as needed, you just need to separate them with a comma.
What next?
Take a look at our articles on:
Using custom css to style the standalone survey page
Styling the survey widget on Order Status Page