Single-choice survey questions have an Allow 'Other' sub-option setting. This is a great way to gain freeform customer feedback based on the top level option that has been selected.
In the following example, our "How did you hear about us?" single-choice survey question has YouTube Channel as one of the main options. We have also provided a number of sub-options for channels that are popular with our customer base.
Using the Allow 'Other' sub-option setting enables our survey respondents to provide the name of a different YouTube Channel within a freeform text box:
The screenshot below shows how the 'Other' sub-option will be displayed when selected:
The example above shows the options as (uncollapsed) radio buttons. Dropdown and collapsed Radio Buttons will appear differently.
Configuring the Allow 'Other' option
Allow 'Other' option - this sub-option can be used as a freeform text box for the respondent to type in a unique answer. When enabled, this option can be used by respondents when none of the predefined sub-option answers meet their needs.
Please be aware that enabling the Other sub-option could open up your survey question to receive many unique responses which could make your data difficult to analyse and interpret.
We recommend that you check your Other answers regularly within the report view of Grapevine Surveys to identify any common answers that could be added as answer sub-options.
Other sub-option label - Allows you to customise the label. The default label will be Other.
Other sub-option input placeholder - The default placeholder text for the Other sub-option text box is blank.
Change this text if you'd like to ask for specific information from respondents.
How 'Other' sub-option survey responses are reported within the app
Our example below shows that a customer has used the Other sub-option to provide a unique answer of YouTube channel "Woolly Wanda".
How this custom answer would be reported within your Grapevine Surveys Response page:
Please Note:
The ability to reclassify survey responses will be coming to Grapevine Surveys soon. Responses submitted using the 'other' sub-option will be flagged with (* sub-option other) for easy identification should you wish to reclassify your 'other' custom responses at a later date.
How this custom answer would be reported within your Grapevine Surveys Response page:
That's it! Hopefully this shows how simple the Allow 'Other' sub-option is to set up.